Dropping some fire on your floors two ways this week, Giuseppe Ottaviani’s lined up a remix brace for one of his ‘ALMA’ album’s choice instrumental cuts! Revampers in the frame are Markus Schulz and Craig Connelly and they’ve zoned in on ‘Ozone’ from two markedly different angles.
Coming in down the more trance-progressive line, Markus’ set-up is every bit as rhythmically hypnotic, as it is thunderously persuasive. He teases the intro out long, before finally hitting release on ‘Ozone’s glidingly aerodynamic melody. A mid-set general – from here you could take the floor anywhere!
Both mixes of ‘Ozone’ see the light today. Select your weapon here.
01: Giuseppe Ottaviani – Ozone (Markus Schulz Remix)
02: Giuseppe Ottaviani – Ozone (Craig Connelly Remix)